Sobriety &
Self Development

Change your relationship with alcohol so you can live your happiest, healthiest and wealthiest life


You value wellness, love feeling good, and are on a journey to become the best version of yourself.


You want to say no to hangovers so you can spend more time doing the things that light you up and take you closer to your goals.

You wish to be more consistent with your personal development, reading, mindfulness, exercising, healthy eating, and everything else.

Well, you are in good hands… I help women precisely like you change your relationship with alcohol… so you can start saying no to alcohol and yes to you!

HiA, I’m Faye Louise. 

Your Self-development and Sobriety Coach

I’m a certified Positive Psychology Coach and a passionate ambassador for helping women live wholesome lives without wine.

I’m also an ex-binge drinker; I was your typical party girl. Actually, that’s putting it politely... I was absolutely wild after a few wines, but without it, I was driven, ambitious and motivated. It was like I was living a double life!

I became alcohol-free in February 2023; this is when I became the best possible version of myself and started living my true potential.

And you can, too!

I specialise in sobriety and wellbeing, creating fulfilling and purposeful lives.

My life purpose is to help as many women as I possibly can change their relationship with alcohol so they can discover their true potential and live their happiest, healthiest and wealthiest lives.


If you feel like you… 

  • Spend a lot of time regretting drinking, because you feel it is taking more than it is giving.

  • Are sick and tired of waking up hungover, full of anxiety, not knowing what you said, done or lost?

  • Are wasting not only mornings but days in bed being hungover? 

  • Continuously put off your goals because hangovers make you lazy.

  • Take two steps forward during the week, then two steps back after a boozy weekend

  • Could be spending your money on nicer things rather than just basically drinking your money?

β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” but you don’t think it is possible to have an alcohol-free weekend?


Free Resource

Are you looking to say no to alcohol this weekend? And yes to you?

Download my free guide, 50 activities for a Wholesome Weekend without Wine. Making it easier for you to cut down on alcohol over the weekend.

 β€œOne reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.”




Come Follow Along The Journey

Come Follow Along The Journey