For the party animals, ravers and wild ones out there!

You are my people! I get you, I feel you, and I understand you.

After realising that my relationship with alcohol wasn't healthy and attempting many alcohol breaks, I pledged that on the 14th of February, 2023, I would begin a six-month alcohol-free experiment, which led me to spontaneous sobriety. And I have never looked back! I now work with women worldwide, helping them change their relationship with alcohol so they go from feeling stuck and like they are out of control (something I fully understand myself) to discovering their true potential and living their happiest, healthiest and wealthiest lives.

So you want to:

βœ” Be in control by saying no to alcohol and not feeling like alcohol controls you

βœ” Make the most out of your weekends rather than wasting them being hungover

βœ” Be more consistent with your habits, instead of only Tuesday to Thursday

βœ” Have more money for nice things, savings or interests instead of drinking your money away

βœ” Have more energy and mental clarity, and not be exhausted, riddled with anxiety

βœ” Improve your positive mindset instead of alcohol making everything feel hard

βœ” Develop your personal development instead of alcohol getting in the way

βœ” Find other ways to manage your stress rather than going straight for the wine

This and more is possible for you with the right coach

And that’s me. Want to know why?


I’m a certified Positive Psychology Coach; I specialise in working with women on their wellness journey, aged 20-40 changing their relationship with alcohol. I wholeheartedly believe in working with women who inspire and excite me… and no one does this like women working on themselves and desiring more in life!

I know exactly what you are going through, what you are thinking and how you are feeling. I get you, feel you and understand you because I am still you. I’m just fueled by herbal tea and yoga now rather than booze and everything else that comes with that.

In Western society, we rarely even take a weekend off the booze to know what being alcohol-free is like; we think it will be hard and like a prison sentence. These were my thoughts exactly. That’s precisely why I have designed my programs! To make it easy and fun!

Let me backtrack to where it all began… 

I had a β€œnormal” childhood. I went on all-inclusive holidays and a caravan. My parents often had people over for drinks, or we would go to theirs. I learnt from an early age that alcohol meant fun.

My parents divorced when I was 13, and I saw it as an opportunity to rebel and start drinking. I began raiding the drinking cupboard, filling a water bottle with a concoction of Martini, banana liquor, Pims, vodka, St Lucia Rum, Malibu, Gin, and anything that was there. I would take it to the school field to share. This is when I realised you can use alcohol to numb emotional pain temporarily.

I had an older cousin who lent me her ID, and some nights, we stayed out until the next morning to get the first train back. In my university days, I also worked in hospitality, so every day felt like the weekend!

I finished Uni and celebrated with a one-way flight to Ibiza. I come home to a graduate job, my first Mon - Fri, 9-5. I would survive the week, then by Thursday, all I could think about was using the weekend to go and get pissed.

I booked another one-way flight to Australia in October 2018. I drank every day for the first three months! And in my first two years, on average, five days. I loved being known as the β€˜party girl’’. I lived to receive messages from people on Instagram telling me they looked forward to my IG stories on the weekend, ah cringe!

I went on a tourist visa for seven months in October 2020, waiting to be accepted to go on my partner’s visa. I knew with not having income coming in, I was forced to cut down on my drinking. I got my drinking down to two days a week. I began being consistent during the week, but everything I had worked on went out the window after a weekend.

I started to set myself alcohol-free challenges: 30 days, six weeks and eight weeks. I knew how much more I liked myself and life being alcohol-free, but I didn’t think it was possible to give it up for good; I thought that would be so boring! On the outside, I looked like I was thriving, but on the inside, I was only surviving, riddled with anxiety, not achieving goals, and on a rollercoaster journey with my health. That’s when I got sober curious in 2022 and started listening to podcasts and reading books.

And after a drunken family wedding holiday in Dubai, in February 2023, I realised that alcohol took away more than it gave. I spent mornings unable to get out of bed and not with family or sightseeing. And the time I was with family, I don’t remember as I blacked out. On that flight back to Sydney, I decided to do a 6-month alcohol-free experiment, where I discovered how much happier, healthier and wealthier I am. I’ve completed the 6-month experiment and have no desire to drink again.

Being alcohol-free is the world's best-kept secret!

Being alcohol-free is the world's best-kept secret!

Being alcohol-free is the world's best-kept secret! Being alcohol-free is the world's best-kept secret!

It’s so empowering to feel like you are in the driver’s seat of your life. To feel connected and in tune with yourself, to consistently live at your best health and wellbeing. To be happy, present and fulfilled with where you currently are, living in true alignment with your values and achieving the goals you set out to reach. My purpose is to support as many women as possible to get to this place; this is what freedom is. This is why my business exists: to inspire, empower and guide you to living your best goddam life alcohol-free!

FREE guide

Are you looking to take a weekend off booze?

Having weekends off the booze can feel so hard; I get you, I feel you, and I understand you! I struggled with this, too! I have created a free guide to help you easily plan a wholesome weekend without wine.


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