Benefits of Taking A Month Break From Booze

So, you're thinking about giving up the good stuff for a month, huh? Well, listen up because I'm about to unleash the perks of this alcohol-free month!

  1. Sleep Quality
    Let's kick things off with everyone's favourite topic: sleep. We all know that alcohol can knock you out faster than a boring lecture. But here's the kicker: alcohol is not a sleep aid; sedation is not the same as sleep. Alcohol consumption negatively impacts your REM sleep, which is often considered the most mentally restorative phase of sleep! Even low alcohol intake (having fewer than one servings of alcohol per day for women) decreases sleep quality by 9.3%, moderate intake (defined as one drink per day for women) reduces sleep quality by 24%, and heavy intake (having more than one drink day for women) reduces sleep quality by nearly 40%! Experience for yourself what it’s like to have quality sleep; you'll wake up feeling like a superwoman, ready to conquer the day (minus the cape).

  2. Your Mood

    Ah, the rollercoaster ride of emotions that comes with a night of drinking. Sure, alcohol might give you a temporary high, but it's like borrowing happiness from tomorrow and paying it back with interest. Say adios to the mood swings and hello to stability. Being alcohol-free is the secret to being on a high vibration!

  3. Improved digestion 

    Ever feel like you're six months pregnant after a night on the sauce? Alcohol can turn your stomach into a war zone, leaving you bloated and gassy. But fear not, girls! A month without alcohol means giving your gut some much-needed TLC. Say hello to smoother digestion, which in turn will improve your mood. A happy gut is directly linked to a happier mood. And you can say goodbye to those emergency trips to the bathroom.

  4. Helps with weight loss 

    Did you know ¾ of a bottle of wine is the caloric equivalent of a Big Mac! And let's not even talk about those late-night munchies that turn into regret the next morning. Ever wake up next to a pizza box with a sense of deep shame and BBQ sauce on your pillow? Yeah, alcohol has that effect. It’s not just the calories on the night out, either – the next day, alcohol turns you into a bottomless pit for calorie-rich foods. Plus, when you’re drinking or feeling hungover, you're about as motivated to exercise as a sloth in a marathon. Take away booze for a month, and suddenly you'll find yourself craving vegetables and wanting to workout instead of diving face-first into a tub of ice cream.

  5. Glowing skin

    Do you wake up looking like you survived a zombie apocalypse after a few drinks? Yeah, thank alcohol for that. It's like a leech, but instead of sucking your blood, it's sucking out your hydration and collagen, giving you a dull and wrinkly face! We have good news though, girls! A month without alcohol means saying hello to radiant, glowing, youthful skin! You'll be glowing like the sun in no time.

  6. You’ll Save Money

    Let's talk about everyone's favourite topic: money. Ever wonder how much you spend on booze in a month? Spoiler alert: it's probably enough to treat yourself to a 10-day retreat in Bali. Say goodbye to paying for a hangover and hello to a fatter bank account. I still put away the money I would normally spend in a week on alcohol. I put half in a savings account, and with the other half, I buy myself sober treats to praise myself for doing another alcohol-free week! Because who needs champagne when you can celebrate with a guilt-free shopping spree?

  7. Less anxiety

    After a night out drinking, do you wake up feeling anxious or worried about what happened the night before? Like you've just auditioned for a role in 'The Hangover' sequel? Are you on edge or irritable and unable to sleep or relax? If this is you, you’re not alone - ‘hangxiety’ is a common post-drinking experience. Women often reach for a glass to "take the edge off" anxiety, but little do they know alcohol is like gasoline for anxiety. It might temporarily numb the pain, but it's just postponing the inevitable, and when it comes back, it hits hard. Take a month off booze and say goodbye to those racing thoughts, and hello to a calmer, more serene state of mind, leaving you feeling more at peace.

  8. More time for you 

    How many days in the past year have you spent in bed hungover? My hangovers made lifting my head off the pillow feel like I was trying to move a boulder. Forget about making food or leaving the house —I was just trying to summon the strength to reach for painkillers. With alcohol out of the picture, you'll have more time on your hands than you know what to do with it. No longer will you be chained to your bed, nursing regrets and a pounding headache. Instead, you can reclaim your time and fill it with activities that actually bring you joy, a passion, a hobby, a course, or a brisk run. There are really no limits when you're not spending your days recovering from the night before.

  9. Better relationships 

    Alcohol-free conversations are where deep, soul-stirring conversations happen that make you feel like you've found your long-lost twin. And guess what? Being present with people becomes a whole lot easier when you're not drunkenly repeating yourself for the fourth time or nursing a hangover. No flaking out on plans because you're too busy making friends with your toilet bowl. Now, you can actually follow through on those breakfast dates, morning yoga classes, and spontaneous road trips without feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck. 

  10. Pride and confidence 
    Say hello to feeling like a boss babe who's got this thing called life under control. With every sober day under your belt, you'll be strutting around like the queen of your empire (or at least your living room). You're taking charge and showing alcohol who's boss! And let's not forget about the self-care extravaganza you'll be treating yourself to with all that extra time and money you'll have, meditation, breathwork, yoga and exercise classes. Maybe even some pampering because you deserve it! You’ll be full of confidence, pride, self-care, and the sweet feeling of being in control of your life by the end of the month!

    So there you have it, ladies—the benefits of going a month without booze. So grab your mocktail and raise a glass to a happier, healthier and wealthier you. Cheers to sobriety!


Moderation Isn’t For Me